Archive for August 18th, 2009

1,000th Client Contest

The 1,000th client contest begins August 18th. Each referral will win you $10 in golf lesson certificates and the 1,000 client will win $1,000 in golf lessons spread out over 5 years. Follow updates on Facebook & Twitter.  See what happened to the 800th client!

800th Client Contest Results

Jason Van Vuren won the 800th Client Contest! 

Thank you to the following people who contributed referrals and won $8 each in golf lesson certificates.

Kristen Reid, Pat Stapleton, Justin Hales, Jim Berry, Kevin Patterson, Tim Hile, Greg Wisz, Logan Meyer, Sue Scharf, Bill Badgerow, Mark DeHaan, Marisa Pahkala, Shanna Goff, Heidi Jacobson, Tom Picardy, Mark Williamson